What are the barriers to using Firefox?

One of the goals of the Firefox in your country survey is to gain a better understanding of the perceived barriers to using Firefox. Below are the round 1 responses for two questions that address this:

Is there are place where you cannot or are not permitted to use Firefox?

In an Internet Cafe or a LAN house (14.2%)

  • More likely for people running Windows 2000, XP, or Vista (15.3%)

At work (12.9%)

  • More likely for people who don't use Firefox as their primary browser (17.2%)
  • More likely for people running Windows 2000, XP, or Vista (14.3%)

Other (12.6%)

  • School was most often mentioned as another place where one cannot use Firefox. We have updated the question for round 2 to include schools.

At home (1.5%)

  • Much more likely for people running an older Windows OS (pre-Windows 2000) (8.3%)
  • More likely for people not using Firefox as their primary browser (5.2%) or not using it at all (3.3%)

Country-specific data


  • Much less likely to select Internet cafes (6.8% vs. 14.2%)


  • Much more likely to select work (17.5% vs. 12.9%)


  • Much less likely to select Internet cafes (9% vs. 14.2%) or home (0.2% vs 1.5%)


  • Much more likely to select Internet cafes (19% vs. 14.2%)


  • Much more likely to select other (22.7% vs. 12.6%)


  • Much less likely to select Internet cafes (6.8% vs. 14.2%)


  • Less likely to choose home (0.6% vs. 1.5%)

What do you think is THE biggest inhibitor to getting people to use Firefox as their primary browser?

Not knowing about Firefox (27.3%)

  • Much less likely choice for people who don't use Firefox as their primary (21.2%) or are unsure (21.8%)

This probably says more about the sample (not random) than the overall population: people who don't use Firefox but answered the survey know about it.

Frequently used website does not work with Firefox (25.2%)

  • More likely for people who use Firefox at work (28.1%) or everywhere (27.2%)
  • More likely choice for people who have used IE in the past month (28.6%)

Being aware of Firefox, but not knowing why it is unique or better (22.2%)

  • Less likely for people who are not using Firefox as their primary (18.7%)
  • More likely for people who used Safari (25.5%) or Opera (25%) in the past month
  • More likely for people who run Mac OS 10.4 and above (27.8%)

Other (8.1%)

Not knowing or not being allowed to install and download software (5.7%)

  • More likely for people who have been using Firefox for 2+ years (6.7%)
  • They are also more likely to choose "installed on their computer by a trusted source" as the biggest factor to try Firefox.

The hypothesis here would be that they are the ones recommending and installing Firefox for others, so they are more likely to recognize this option as the hurdle.

Not knowing anyone who uses Firefox (3.6%)

  • More likely for people who have been using Firefox for less than a month (8.9%)

I don't know/no opinion (2.5%)

Not much press coverage of web browsers (2.3%)

Having tried Firefox but having switched back or uninstalled (2.2%)

  • More likely for people who don't use Firefox as their primary (7.4%)

Downloading software is too expensive or time consuming (1%)

  • More likely for people who don't use Firefox (2.7%)

Country-specific data


  • Much more likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (31.6% vs. 22.2%)
  • Less likely to select site incompatibility as the main issue (5.3% vs. 25.2%)
  • Much more likely to choose "not knowing or being allowed to download/install" (13.5% vs. 5.7%)
  • More likely to select downloading as too expensive or time consuming (3% vs. 1%)


  • Much more likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (36.9% vs. 22.2%)
  • Much less likely to select site incompatibility as an issue (4.2% vs. 25.2%)
  • More likely to choose "not knowing or being allowed to download/install" (9.9% vs. 5.7%)


  • Less likely to select "not knowing about Firefox" (25.6% vs. 27.3%)
  • Less likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (10.2% vs. 22.2%)
  • Much more likely to select site incompatibility as an issue (30.7% vs. 25.2%)


  • Much more likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (34.8% vs. 22.2%)
  • Less likely to select site incompatibility as the main issue (13.5% vs. 25.2%)
  • More likely to select downloading as too expensive or time consuming (2.6% vs. 1%)


  • Much more likely to select "not knowing about Firefox" (33.3% vs. 27.3%)
  • More likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (26.8% vs. 22.2%)
  • Much less likely to select site incompatibility as an issue (19.7% vs. 25.2%)
  • More likely to select downloading as too expensive or time consuming (2.4% vs. 1%)


  • More likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (26.5% vs. 22.2%)
  • Much less likely to select site incompatibility as an issue (8.5% vs. 25.2%)
  • Much more likely to choose "not knowing or being allowed to download/install" (15.3% vs. 5.7%)


  • Much more likely to select "not knowing about Firefox" (40.9% vs. 27.3%)
  • Less likely to choose "not knowing why it is unique or better" (9.1% vs. 22.2%)
  • More likely to choose lack of press coverage (5% vs. 2.3%)
By @Alix Franquet in
Tags : #firefox, #insights,